Friday, June 28, 2019

Let Me Be Clear...Thank You For Your Truths

All it took was a text. A line I reread over and over to finally say no more. “I didn’t want to give you any false impressions.” 

It still makes me angry. I didn’t ask for this person to come back in my life. They chose to. I never wanted this person to get the best of me yet again they did. To be a friend on their terms.  The ironic thing is  I woke up to another text from someone else who likes to come in and out of my life that said “I thought I should let you know”  and was actually grateful for these truths. I yet again wasn’t nice and said to leave me alone for good. Two different people. Two honest blunt messages that lifted huge weights off my shoulders. Thank you for your truths and for clearing my path. Thank you for allowing me to remove you both from my life and no we can’t be friends. 

Everyone’s true colors always come out. 

When the truth comes out you have two run or you stay and think things will change but trust me they never do. So run. And I don’t mean it in a bad way I mean it in a way that to take the hint, clue, blunt response and move on with your life. At my stage in life I can say ok please don’t reach out to me again. I am not tied to anyone for any reason. What doesn’t bring me peace must be go away. 

These are not situations to hurt you. You get hurt when you think things will change so you stick around. I have learned the hard way...they don’t change. These situations help you build wisdom, character and experience so you don’t make the same mistakes again. 

I always told my girlfriends people always come back. It happens all the time. Not once can I say it hasn’t happened. One way or another people manage to circle
back in. This is your only time to have control- if you allow them back in or not. That’s your power. Don’t become weak stand your ground. 

These situations clear your path so you can open up room for people who actually deserve to have a place in your life, mind, & heart. 

False hope. False impressions. I want to be honest. Let me tell you the man I really am.  All these words actually spared me of continuing to care about people who didn’t deserve my time or for me to care about them, or my friendship, not then nor now. 

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