Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Let’s Make A Deal...

Here’s the thing about women. We always have eachother backs. We always push eachother to see our highest good, to see how amazing we are. Especially when someone else may have not appreciated us like
they should have appreciated us. Even when life doesn’t turn out how we thought it would. 

had dinner with a girlfriend last night. We dated friends and that’s how we became close. Obviously those relationships didn’t turn out how we wanted but we got to meet eachother so that in itself was worth it. 

She’s like a warm, big, hug my soul type of gal. Her personality is like no one I ever met. We created goals for one another. We gave eachother a couple weeks to accomplish these goals. Four things we had to do and when we hang out again we had to at least started them, better yet accomplished them. 

Goals she created for me:
  • Network more- grow my network for work
  • Finish a house project I have been working on 
  • Let the past go- don’t look back but forward 100% at all avenues and angles. We discussed what each situation taught me 
  • Start reading this book she recommended “Own The Day Own Your Life”
Goals I created for her:
  • Look your personality- I asked her to change her look. She doesn’t fit her inner amazing self. I know sounds awful but it’s not. When she smiles   she lights up a room and her look doesn’t represent that at all. Her happy, carefree, fun as hell personality is covered up and well she’s excited to change it. I said I wanted to peel your true self out of this mask you have. Climb out of your shell. 
  • She was starting the book again that she recommended to me. 
  • She will look at new places to move to create more freedom emotionally. 
  • Let her past go. She’s better than any man she was ever with and know your worth. 
We all need real friends in our life that can look at us and say “know your worth.” “Make this change to better yourself”. “You’re better than that.”

Ladies we have to take this chance in life to help others. She asked what do you want your life to look like? “ I just want to be happy, I want to spread happiness, I want to be carefree and let go of all that has made me not be my true self.”

So do it! Start today. 

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