Monday, July 1, 2019

Dealing With The Emotion Of...Fear

It’s important to understand your triggers. I woke up with intentions of a great day. I took two kids to beach while we waited for camp. I was content. I had my whole morning planned. 

Then bam the morning went to crap. It’s not a big deal. Minor set backs but I was very mad. I had to take a step back and say ok what’s the deal J. 

It was fear. 

I have a minor simple medical procedure today. Nothing urgent but yet the thought of a doctor doing anything to my body brings back all my past medical experiences and my body doesn’t want to deal. It’s not the fear of pain it’s fear of here we go again. So I finally said what’s this you’re feeling and it was fear. And it was ok for me to have fear.  It’s ok to be nervous and not want to deal with anything out of routine. 

Listen my stories aren’t to share my business. My stories are to teach you that when you are triggered. When something is off you must get to the root of why. 

Today was fear, fear made me get upset over other things and it’s normal. I am lucky to recognize it early within thirty minutes actually. Being single you don’t have a companion to vent to. That sets you back to handle your issues and emotions on your own. Yes family and friends help but it’s different. You have to be good to you. 

You owe it to yourself to do the same. Be intune with your emotions. 

Fear is a lot of things. You fear change. You fear pain. I fear the results. We all have fear that prevents us from things. This situation had me be short tempered. Fear kept me in certain situations longer than I should have been in before. Fear also had me run from situations I wish I handled differently. 

Fear is a big component that can hurt us. 

Fear is scary but not knowing why you feel off is scarier. 

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