Friday, July 5, 2019

Dealing With The Emotion Of...Relief

Do you ever exhale and think wow how did I get through that or so glad I got out of that situation.  When you have that sense of feeling a wave of relief comes over you. It then calms you and brings you peace.

We all don’t understand some tests in life we have to go through but when we do and come out of it we realize we are stronger, better, happier. 

Relief brings us peace. If you ever feel relief after any situation you have to understand that situation taught you something or was the right decision or wasn’t meant to be a part of your path. Whether it’s letting people go in your life or not getting a job you wanted or getting negative results back from medical test. Relief gives you hope. It makes you feel that the path you’re on is the one you’re meant to be on. That certain situations had to happen so you can be the version you are today. That in the end everything will be ok. 

I walked into my doctor’s office for a procedure and said to her medical assistant you know I don’t want to be here. We both laughed and she said don’t worry no one ever does. When my doctor came in I asked if this will hurt. She looked at me and said have I ever lied to you, it’s uncomfortable. True I replied. I mean I had three c-sections and my thryoid out I should be able to handle pain. She replied “yes and I was with you through that all” and she was right. A wave of relief came over me. She was there and actually pushed for my testing that found my cancer. I knew no matter what the results were I was safe in her hands. The procedure didn’t hurt and everything came back normal but I had relief even before getting the results. 

If you don’t feel a sense of relief or a sense of “thank god” then either your lesson isn’t over yet or you are settling or trying to convince yourself to get over a situation. If your decisions or actions don’t bring you peace and satisfaction then it’s not over yet. 

Know the difference. 

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