Monday, July 22, 2019

It’s Ok To Ask For Help...It’s Ok To Not Be Ok!

She’s amazing. Probably one of my favorite people. She and I have been friends for over 10 years. We met from our ex’s being friends. We started to hang out more than they did.  She’s just full of life and love and if she didn’t live so far we would be raising our kids together. We have had some awesome nights together. We have partied hard yet she’s watches my kids whenever I needed. She’s really incredible. She called me the other day. Asking how I am,how are the kids and then she says causally I have breast cancer. 

I was walking into the bank froze and walked out. I know she’s going to be ok. I know they found it early but my heart sank. She’s the girl you want to have all
the happiness in the world. She’s the girl that always put everyone first. 

She knows my past with cancer so asked if I had any advice. I did. I said don’t be so strong. It’s ok to be sad and weak. It’s ok to ask for help.  You don’t have to do it all on your own. 

She responded I know. I said no promise me you will

It’s like anything in life. We fight or flight. We go into survival mode and settle. We act like we’re ok when we aren’t. We are scared of change and what’s ahead. We must feel. We guard our emotions and I get it but it’s damaging. 

Not everything in life is ok and that is ok. Not everyone has to be so strong. It’s ok to be scared and afraid or mad. I didn’t want help when I had cancer. I was grateful I had it from my family and my ex’s. Friends helped too but I wanted my routine to be the same. I didn’t want anyone to look at me and think oh poor Jay. Stupid I know. I learned now. I learned it’s ok to ask for help and feel. It’s ok to not always put up a tough front. It’s ok to be weak and communicate what you need. 

You’re Allowed To Have Moments Of Weakness:

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