Sunday, July 14, 2019

Let’s Spice Things Up...

It wasn’t my weekend with the kids but my oldest daughter wasn’t feeling well at a wedding so I told her Dad to bring her to me after I got back from plans I had. I think she was overtired from a weekend of events because she woke up this morning feeling fine. 

I went outside to workout as normal and came inside to get my bathing suit. Mom what are you doing. She asked when I had my bathing suit on. Finishing my workout in the pool. You can come but we will be working out. She first said no thanks and came out five minutes later. We did laps. Blasted my Mumford & Sons pandora station and she said wow mom this is amazing. You really spiced up the morning. I loved it. 
Let’s do it everyday. 

I would love to but reality is morning hustle wouldn’t allow with first drop off being 8:00 am but then I realized if we did do it everyday would it be as special. Would it feel amazing? 

When you become accustomed to a routine you take it for granted. You don’t appreciate it as much. Don’t get me wrong my new morning routine when I am not hustling to leave the house by 7:50 is amazing. Great for the body and soul. Outside work out followed by pool time. All done by 8:30 am. 

Even my daughter said it was magical and such a great way to start the day but my point is sometimes spicing things up means changing your routine. It means doing things outside of your normal routine but you can’t take it for granted and do it all the time or else the thrill fades. It gives you something to look forward to. I promised her when I have her Saturday nights we can do it again early Sunday mornings. She’s loving it and I must admit so do I. 

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