Friday, July 19, 2019

Let’s Take A Ride...

I love doing this. Just take a ride to pass time. I did it the other day. Drove my daughter through Rowayton. It was beautiful. The houses felt like beach homes. All different sizes. Lawns green and manicured. I had friends who lived in Rowayton growing up. I hung out there at times. I guess I just never took the time to appreciate the beauty of it. 

They even have this sign hanging up as you enter it. 

There’s the slow down children playing signs everywhere. You can see kids walking and riding their bikes to camp. 

It’s really a whole different dynamic. Not sure if any of my readers are from there but if you are I hope you embrace the beauty in it. 

As I get older I am starting to appreciate the little things. Things that I never gave much thought to throughout the years. 

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