Sunday, July 28, 2019

Moms, Women, No Explanation Needed...Go Take care of yourself!

(Upper right pic top last year vs this year)

(Fall 2016 purple jacket)

This is my third year going to the Cape with girlfriends and it makes me a better person. Why? Because it helps me relax and reconnect with myself. Take care of  just me just for a few days. 

Why aren’t we encouraging women to do more...for themselves. Why does there have to be an explanation for me or you or moms or women to go away. Take a break. Do something for themselves?

I checked on my girls and my little one said her Dad told her I wasn’t away for work. No I am not I told her. I am with my friends and will be home in a couple of days. It rubbed me wrong. He was telling the truth but he could of comforted her saying “mom is away to take a little break and it’s ok. It’s ok to do something for yourself. She will be back don’t worry.”

I think as women we need to also encourage this with our kids. It’s ok to take care of yourself. It’s ok for “you time”. 

We think we have this duty to always put everyone first and no one does the same for us. You won’t even know the prep that went into me leaving for four nights. Gratefully my Mom is helping but I still had to make sure everything was in line for them. Plus with our parenting schedule I left on a schedule when the only day I needed coverage on my day was Sunday. 
Reality is if I wanted to leave for a week or two weeks or a day or three days it’s all ok because it’s my choice. My decision and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

Men just kind of get up and go. You take care of yourself and that’s fine but do us women complain? Do we question you? Do we say Daddy is off having fun like it’s a bad thing? No!

I come from a family of women. Strong. Independent. I have to remind myself regularly why I chose to raise kids as a single divorced mom. For myself. For my own peace of mind. For them to know how a woman should be treated and loved. Yet it’s not them who need to be taught that. It’s unfortunately society. 

Yes mom is away and guess what be happy for her. 

Yes you need an escape. So don’t have anyone question it or act like it’s wrong. Self love and self care are extremely important and necessary in life. 

No more explanations. Go take care of yourself! I will be here having your back and applauding you!

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