Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Need A Distraction? Why...

“Free will and personal choice supersede everything at the end of the day.”*

What are you running from? 

I have to keep busy. I can’t sit home. I have to be out and about. I find the excuse to do anything but I am suppose to do. I break commitments. 

Sound like you? What you really need to ask yourself is:

Why do I have to keep busy? Why can’t I sit and rest at home? Why do I always have to be out and about? Why do I find the excuse to do anything but what I am suppose to do? Why do I break commitments?

This article may help: 

*What Are You Running Away From? (Dealing with Escapism)

There’s that deep core you are neglecting. You have to fix it not always run from it. 

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