Monday, July 1, 2019

Oh Happy First Of The Month....Oh Happy July!

I can’t believe it’s July. I feel the last couple months flew by and have been a blur. 

Oh July...suntan lotion, beaches, volleyball, vaca, pool time, picnics, fireworks, great memories to be made. I hope this month is your best yet. I hope you wake up with sun kissed skin and embrace the warmth of the warm air. I hope it’s the new month of growth, love and happiness. I hope you enjoy walks with sand in your toes and fun cocktails on the dock for happy hour. I hope you let your kids stay up late to collect lightening bugs and eat ice pops while watching the sunset. 

We all need sunshine and Vitamin D. It’s good for your soul. It’s good for your mind. It’s good to be July!

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