Sunday, July 28, 2019

Old Brain Vs. New Brain

We get stuck. Stuck in old ways. Stuck in old thinking. We think life is suppose to be a certain way. When it’s not we argue it. It’s hard to deal. Life is chaotic. 

We then react to situations like we always have. The reason is because we are used to reacting that way in the old brain. When we work on our ourselves. Meditate. Go to therapy. It’s teaches us to process things in our new brain. A new way of dealing with things. A new approach to not reacting the same way we always do. 

It’s not easy. You need to dig deep and heal. You need to have all your old ways that didn’t serve you well leave. Not be a part of you. You need to restart the way you think and react. 

You do this so you don’t get the same results. Feelings. Path. You do this so you can handle situations and people in life differently. It’s like holding a grudge. There’s people from my past that I have to prep myself before being in a room with them. Like ok don’t react. Don’t snap. Don’t hang on every word they say. Don’t let them hurt you. And then if happens. They say one word condescending or wrong and my old brain kicks in. I become defensive and it’s to protect myself
from getting hurt or degraded yet again. 

It’s my old brain. Old way of thinking. That I have to protect or stick  up for myself. I don’t. You don’t. 

We don’t need to have anyone get the best of us. Remove yourself from that situation and surround yourself with people who are good for your soul and mind. 

See we don’t make changes for other people. We make changes to better ourselves. 

There’s a difference. 

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