Thursday, July 18, 2019

Remember This: When Love Is No Longer There

You can’t force someone to have you in their life or love you or choose you and it’s hard to hear but sometimes we need to remind ourselves. It’s also hard to admit but it’s true. 

I get it. I do it too. Alot. I hold on much longer than I should. I am slowly working on that. 

Love is magical. It’s a high. It’s feeling like nothing in life can bring you down. Any stress magically seems manageable. It’s an escape. It’s fun. 

Then it changes. Somewhere along the way it’s no longer what it was. You tend to hold on because you remember those magical times but then things get hard. Sad. Lonely. It’s hard even writing this for some reason. But it’s true. 

It’s letting go when one person wants out. It’s letting go when there isn’t equal effort. It’s letting go when all you’re holding on to was the past. It’s letting go when one person is ok not having the other person in their life anymore. It’s letting go when you’re ok knowing that person will end up with someone else and that fact no longer bothers you. 


You gotta learn when to let go and hardest part learn to accept when someone has let YOU go. 

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