Sunday, July 21, 2019

This Morning Zen...Well Sort Of

I did my normal morning routine. Up too early. Worked out outside. Got my 3,000 steps in and then....

I said they could join... By 7:05 am we were all in the pool. 

I told them no toys. We will exercise listen to the birds and music. 

No jumping or diving. No screaming. Not only for our own peacefulness but to be courteous to our neighbors since we are up way too early for a Sunday. They loved it. They asked if we can do it every day. 

Then toys got added and well it started to take a turn so we got out to make breakfast and as I thought why can’t we just be 100% peaceful I reminded myself that they are children. They are restless and their minds  are all over the place and it’s normal. So I said we would try this again another morning and they all were very happy. 

We don’t have many weeks left of summer so this routine is awesome for me because it’s new and temporary. When Fall approaches I will have to get a new routine. Until then I love waking up and getting outside. 

What routines have you started this Summer?

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