Friday, July 26, 2019

What A Year Can Do To A Person

I couldn’t sleep. Maybe out of pure excitement to get to relax. Ironic right. But I started to think about how my life was a year ago at this exact time I was at the Cape and the stories and people who were in my life at that time. The journey I have been on since. The changes that took place in my life. 

It’s actually pretty crazy. How many people I met. Love I felt. Hurt I felt. Pain and experiences that actually shaped me. The new places I went to. Where I traveled. Who I spent my time with. Memories I made. Lifestyle changes. It’s actually pretty remarkable. 

Do it. Think about the past year. How much your life has changed. The new people who are in it now. The old people who are no longer there. The memories you made. The tears you shed. The laughter you had. The wtf moments. It all shapes you. 

How things made you feel. How you looked. What progress you made. All in just one year. 

Think about the things you wouldn’t repeat but no regrets because you know it’s part of our path. The things we wish we did and didn’t do. The things we got through that we didn’t think we could getthrough. The friendships you made. The amazing people who loved you and still do. The people who helped you get through some rough patches. 

I am definitely at a better place. Mentally. Physically. Emotionally. It’s crazy what a year can really do to a person. 

I hope you’re at a better place too!

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