Sunday, July 28, 2019

When the moon hits the sky like a big pizza pie...

If you can guess what’s on this pizza I will personally ship one out to you...

We walked the strip of downtown Hyannis yesterday. It’s one of my favorite. I love all the cute little shops. There are a ton of restaurants too. 

Ambiance is really important. The girls were checking out the menus at some places and at the same time
We suggested Colombo’s. I have been here a couple of times when I came last with my ex but the girls never been. I knew it would be a great meal. 

But this...this pizza is nothing like I ever had and I had had a lot in my time. 

It’s a brussel sprout pizza. With panchetta, roasted red onion, mozzarella and topped with...a fig drizzle. My mouth is salivating writing this. 

It’s so light and airy the dough. The balance of flavors is on point. The fig drizzle adds a little hint of sweetness. It’s insane and a must try. The panchetta adds a saltines and balances out the Brussels sprouts. 

It’s a genius combination. 

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