Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Are You Someone’s Pastime?

If I invest time in you it’s because I see potential in you. I started to realize those intentions weren’t coming back to me. That dating in 2019 may not have been same goals and ideas. That I still had a lot
to learn. 

Don’t get me wrong you learn from every experience. But the more I grew. The more someone didn’t give me back what I gave them I started to realize that I wouldn’t get from them what my heart wanted. And it’s ok but once you start thinking with your head verse your heart the whole game changes. You can remain friends and eachother pastime but do realize this person doesn’t want any future with you and it’s up to you if you’re ok with their limitations towards you. 

What starts to happen is you fade away too. You don’t take the person serious or feel a priority in their life. You are eachother others pastime. But end of day we all want someone to be there at every aspect of our life. To be our go to, our companion, someone to grow with, someone to have our back.  No limitations. Pastimes work for now but don’t expect a future with this person or even a tomorrow. Don’t expect emotional fulfillment because it’s not going to happen. It took me some time to process this and accept it. 

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