Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Be Happy...Just Because

Because the sun is shining or your favorite song came on the radio or your kids gave you extra kisses or someone made you lunch or a stranger smiled at you. 

I must say I have a lot of great people in my life. Willing to help me. To make my life easier. My mom helped my daughter so I could work. I am swamped at work and a colleague offered to help with a report I was stuck on. A mommy friend was picking up supplies for school and asked what I needed. My daughters gave me big bear hugs this morning. All my family is coming over for dinner. My favorite songs came on the radio. 

What’s there not to be happy about? 

See it’s not what went wrong today. It’s what went right. And everyday life can be viewed these two ways. It’s your decision. 💗✌️

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