Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Connecting With Them Over & Over Again

It’s not easy having a pre-teen. It’s hard to connect and relate at times. She’s my oldest but every time I look at her I see the 4 yr old that once was my best buddy. So she got her phone taken away and she said well what do I do with myself. 

She kind of had a point. We swam a couple of times and she didn’t want to read. We already ate and cleaned up. We did crafts earlier. So I suggest. Dance off. 

What? Yep let’s do a dance off. 

She got to pick the song and moves and well for over an hour we made up dance routines to her favorite songs. It actually was a lot of fun, even my little ones joined in and said wow mom you can dance. Yep. But really it’s not easy with electronics and mood swings and everyone having their own responsibilities in life to tend to. 

It’s about always trying to find a way to connect to them. Kids change. We change. We as parents have to get out of our comfort zones and connect with them. Over and over again. 

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