Thursday, August 15, 2019

Don’t React...Don’t React...

And so it happened yet again. Which I swore I wouldn’t do it. I knew I would react with how the conversation was going and well I did. I know sounds crazy but I have this one friend. Maybe I feel something that can’t be. Maybe it’s his way with words. Who knows but it always has me react and then he makes me laugh and I am ok again. Like within minutes. 

We chat all day. Everyday is good and it’s fun. And then bam I say let’s take some space. Maybe it’s me protecting my heart. Silly I know. Because deep down you have to just live day by day and not having this person in my life would actually make me really sad and miss them so I have to just go with it and stop reacting. The thing is once you have been hurt and hurt again you loose trust in situations. You protect yourself but realize you’re really harming yourself instead. 

You say I am going to walk away to protect myself and instead end up being embarrassed by your action and know you don’t want this person to not be in your life. 

Don’t respond. Just relax. Trust me. If you get hurt so be it. If you don’t then enjoy the company. 

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