Thursday, August 22, 2019

Fill In The Blanks...What Do You Need?

It’s exhausting at times. Not knowing what is wrong or what we need. It’s like ok let’s figure this out. I was upset the other day, tired and overworked.  A friend said do you need me to hang up shelves. I said yes. I need a handy man. And I felt better. Because that’s all I needed. Minus all the other emotions. For a long time I depended on myself to figure out because my partner at the time didn’t make me feel like I could come to them. It wasn’t a good feeling. 

So I saw this and it makes sense. That we should really use on others too. 

I need a handy man so I can hang my mirrors and frames to make my space more complete. 

See if I just filled in the blanks I would have been fine. 

Now you go! Process before reacting. No problems only solutions. I even sent this to my girlfriends. We had some good laughs. But really you should try it too. 

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