Monday, August 26, 2019

It’s Ok To Be Nervous...Change Is Hard

She wasn’t acting herself. She began to freak out. Snapping. Yelling. I calmly asked “are you scared for starting school tomorrow?”

Yes, yes I am she said sobbing. It’s different than my pre k class and I am scared. 

“It’s ok to be nervous I replied. It’s a change but let me tell you you’re strong. All you girls are. You have encountered more change in your life than most people ever have. You are strong enough to handle this change too. I promise you if you need me I will be there.”

Isn’t that our role? Always! At any point to be there to comfort them. To say ok I get it. To not react because they are but to instead try to understand what’s triggering them so we can make them feel better. 

School change is hard. New teachers. New classmates. New routine. I get it. I try to put myself in their shoes. I try to understand so I can help them. 

She ended up doing amazing at her kindergarten orientation. 

On the way home I told her and her sisters I will always be there to make sure they are happy and comfortable. If something bothers them tell me and I will fix it. No matter what it is. 

Listen parenting is hard. I too have stuff in life to forgive out but for them...I will always put anything they need above anything I will ever need. For them their happiness and comfort is always a top priority. 

This is important for all of us. When they freak out and unleash it’s hard to not yell back but most of the time it’s fear or sadness that is causing them to lash out. It’s your job to try to help them become in tune with what they are feeling. 

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