Thursday, August 8, 2019

Last Day Of Camp....This Uber Mom Gets To Take A Break

6 times a day. Can you imagine? These last 6 weeks of camp I felt like a Uber driver. Three different drop off times for camp and three different pick up times. 

By 4:00 pm I was exhausted. I would run around town. Work and run around town again. Finally today I said holy crap. This schedule was insane. Their Dad only dropped off one once a week and picked up one once a week so imagine. I drove around town 28 times a week. So whenever anyone questions a parent’s or mother’s role I just laugh. Don’t be an idiot and ever do that. It’s not ok nor fair. 

Our roles are like no other. It’s a lot of work. I lay in bed writing after taking advantage of every minute in my day by doing something. Up by 6:00 in bed before midnight. Work out pack lunches and snacks for their day. Breakfast. Drop offs are 8:00-9:15 and working by 9:30. Back to all
School pickups. Snacks. Dinner. Cuddles and prepping for the next day again. Laying in bed with all three individually at night. Recapping the day. Bedtime kisses. 

It’s been no joke. It almost easier just having them home besides making it extremely difficult to work. Take calls or concentrate. 

I am not writing this to say all I do because you moms do it all too. I am writing this because it’s not easy. And anyone who doesn’t appreciate you for it well they can go for a walk. 

Until you’ve walked in their, mine, moms, a parents, shoes well then you don’t judge. Don’t under appreciate a mom’s role. Don’t ever under appreciate all it takes to raise three kids or any kid for that matter. 

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