Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday What? OH My Happy Monday’s

I had to rethink my past year. I kind of lost myself along the way. I settled when I shouldn’t have. I didn’t feel I got what I gave. I just had to take a step back...I want to be alone. And not in a bad way. A good way. The way when I do what I need to do for me. My kids. My life. To not compromise anymore. To not wonder what ifs or will someone call or have my back or be there tomorrow. 

I always tell people when I first separated from my ex I took 7 months to myself. To do what I wanted and needed. I need to do that again. So tonight I did something I used to do every Monday. I didn’t go out. I instead picked up Chick-fil-A and ate at home. Hung out in my bed. Watched TV. Worked. This time I added a cone to the meal and felt like a child eating it on the way home. 

Enough of anyone’s drama. Enough with trying to make other people happy and trying to have them feel what you feel. To see life how you see it. 

Do it for you! I loved my alone time. It’s not lonely trust me it’s empowering. Relaxing. Zen. Good for my soul. It helps me be creative and happy. It helps me take care of me. Now all I need is a handy man to help me hang up some stuff and I will be one happy chick. 

I am taking myself back. Back to a less complicated time. When I knew what I wanted and needed and didn’t look towards anyone to give it to me. When I knew I can be happy whenever I chose to be. 

Do it for you too!

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