Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Struggle Is Real

Maybe I write too much about magic and fairytales. Maybe I want more peace and calmness. My life is far from perfect or easy. I guess I just come from a place where I once felt stuck and well I never want to feel that way again. So it’s all uphill from here. 

There’s a lot people don’t know about me and well although I may not share them doesn’t mean I don’t have some of your similar struggles. It’s not everyday easy. For example today. 

My bones hurt. Not really sure why. Could be my diet. Could be me pushing myself. My kids create chaos. Normal kid chaos. Three different ages. Three different personalities. It’s exhausting when they fight. It’s exhausting when they can’t get along. It wipes me
out.  Could be why I am depleted this time of night.  I tried a lot this afternoon to distract them. Coloring. Playing with the beach ball. Until one smashed it into the other’s face. Soccer until one landed wrong and hurt their foot.   Then I tried swimming. Two out of three went. Did well for the most part but fought over helping me vacuum it until the vacuum submerged into the pool. You laugh....I can tell from reading this but it’s true. 

Then showered and three bedtimes. Three “lay with me and hold me mom while I fall asleep”. This part isn’t work. It’s fun. It’s comforting. Some nights I fall asleep putting one to bed and the other comes to wake me. 

My life is not perfect. It’s work. It’s constant juggling roles. But it’s my life. The struggle is real but it’s my journey and choices and decisions. It’s not always easy. But it’s still worth it. 

I am providing a happy, safe, environment for my kids. Isn’t that enough to say I am doing it right?! I think so. 

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