Wednesday, August 28, 2019

When It Gets To This Point...Fight or Flight

You can be looking at the same situation and both seeing it completely differently. When one has other distractions they can’t view their role in a situation clearly. You can’t possibly think someone gets hurt or upset out of no where. You have to understand your role and then it’s up to you both to decide what to do from there. 

When someone isn’t feeling respected or visible or acknowledged or when their intuition is off it can trigger something in them. You do play a role. You have to understand. It’s just acknowledging what role you want to play in it. And then it’s deciding to fight it out for a good outcome or flight and leave the situation or relationship because it’s getting no where. 

You have to understand people don’t just wake up and say today is the day I want you out of my life. When you push and push it comes to a point when they grant you your wish. 

Be careful what you decide and how you make your choices. 

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