Friday, August 2, 2019

Who Is Worth The Risk...Those You Don’t Second Guess

This is a lesson to you and me. I believe in love and fairytales and happily ever afterwards but choose someone you think will give you that in return.  

We all have internal hurt and pain. We all have healing. Now think about everyone who has contributed to that pain. It’s the closest people in our life or have been in our life. Where we let our guard down and gave them power over us. Over love. Over trust. And then what happened....

It back fired. We now have pain and healing and frustration from being vulnerable. Pain is from that. Lack of trust. Lack of ability to connect. Lack of ability to be close to them or someone. 

That then causes us to let it hard for others in or to let go of people and situations. 

This doesn’t only apply to relationships. It’s friendships or family members. Anyone who we let our guard down with and it took a piece of our power and heart away. 

Now I am not saying don’t risk it. I am not saying give  up. This is learning lessons. This made us stronger and wiser. Some of the biggest pain I have I have to deal with those people forever. I am saying in this lifetime we have to be careful who we let in. The healing may take longer than the pleasure. 

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