Tuesday, September 3, 2019

And All This Time Amazing Things Were Happening

I was sad. At one point I was really just getting by. It’s like the rug got pulled out from under me. As this happens you start using coping mechanisms. Distractions. Crying. Sad songs. Have you ever done this? If you have ever been hurt or sad it’s awful. AWFUL!!!

But then amazing things were happening... 

As I was healing and not just from the last year but really from everything I never really dealt with I started to have a better life. 

A huge house project went underway and completed. I met some awesome people. I focused on strengthening my friendships with people. My girls became calmer and happier. I traveled. Tried new restaurants. Went to new places. Blogged my butt off. Work got super busy. I created a new routine. Everything got better. My workouts got better. I swam. Became intune with my soul. Closer to my parents and sisters. Reached out to girlfriends and planned outings with them. Reconnected with past friends. Learned to love my alone time. 

Why am I sharing this? Because when you’re down or sad or depressed life still moves around you. Read that again. When you’re down or sad or depressed life still moves around you. 

You have to stop and refocus. You miss out on so much when you sulk in your pain and sorrow. 

The kids grow up. Life changes. Work changes. Friendships change. 

No two days are ever the same. When you’re down and sad or depressed or angry you lose days of your life. You have to understand how important this is. You can’t let situations destroy you. Life is still carrying on whether you’re in it or not. I know sounds morbid but I am saying this because I care about my readers. 

Let all that go. Enjoy your life. The moment. Yes you still will have bad days and sad moments. I still miss things in my life I once had but it’s ok. That’s all ok. What’s not ok is letting life move around you and you are just getting by. You can’t. You have to jump on the wagon of gratitude. 

Don’t get by anymore. That’s not my wish for you. I wish you see how amazing your life can truly be when you make a slight change in your life and goals. 

I am more happy, content and at peace now then I have been in a really long time. Yes so maybe heartache and pain had to happen for me to get to this point. Maybe I had to lose myself a little to find myself again.  But I promise I will never go back to feeling that way ever again. And I want you to promise me you won’t lose yourself either. 

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