Saturday, September 28, 2019

But Mom...You’re Beautiful

I am far from perfect. I have three kids. I don’t have a thyroid. I am slowly approaching a big birthday but I look back on that last 9 years of my life. The transformation. The heartache. The pain. The joy. The memories. The scars. Visible and non visible. 

One morning I was bringing my girls to school. We started to talk about our looks and personality. I hate to say my girls are pretty, even though they are. I rather say your beautiful inside and out. You’re smile makes you beautiful. Your love for life and kindness and sweet voice makes you beautiful. We have this image we have to be perfect to be pretty. Pretty isn’t enough. You need to have a good solid core. Be a good loving person. 

The little ones said mom you’re so beautiful. Thank you girls you are too I said. They replied it’s because I came out of your body. Yes you did and you’ll always be beautiful no matter what. But being nice and kind also makes your beautiful. Loving people and not being angry makes you beautiful. It’s not your face or hair or body. It’s your whole. 

Why haven’t we taught this more. I am not perfect. My body is no where close to perfect. I can count my flaws over and over but I think what makes up the “whole” me and you and everyone is what makes us beautiful. 

Beautiful is their soul, their core, their love of life and peace and happiness. It’s yours too. 

That is what makes your entire being beautiful. 

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