Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Buy Your Own Damn Flowers

Ok ok I don’t need to be dramatic but let me tell you a story. 

I never liked having flowers delivered to me. I always felt my spouse or companion or boyfriend or love interest should hand me flowers. The way the flowers look in a man’s hands was always very romantic and sexy. They always hide them and have a smile on their face. It’s a proud moment for them. Plus why pay so much. Why can’t a single rose or a single flower or a bouquet from a store be enough. To me that’s so romantic and personal verse a delivery guy dropping them off. 

I used to buy my own flowers when I became single. I would get them in my cart and smile the whole time
grocery shopping. Not sure why I stopped. I don’t buy the expensive bouquet. I mean don’t we all deserve a $5-$10 bouquet of flowers. It’s not much and makes a difference. 

So I just started again and I must say I love the simple gesture to brighten up my day and table. Something as buying your own damn flowers puts a smile on your face and it should because everyone deserves flowers even if you’re buying them for yourself. 

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