Saturday, September 7, 2019

Don’t Be Sad...Not Today

Be happy. Get up and do all the things that make your heart and soul feel good. Yeah we can get sad. Something triggered me. I missed someone. But I had to shift my brain. This person doesn’t need me in their life. And I don’t need to be sad anymore. 

Everyday it’s a job to be happy. Well maybe not. I think it’s easy to be happy but we are so used to something changing that. That we shift easily to be mad and sad. Stop that! Stop that now. 

I was speaking to a girlfriend. The next morning she said thank you for last night. You brought me back to life. 

Last night I was out with a group of friends. They make me feel alive. It was so much fun we stayed out way past how late we should. We didn’t want our time together to end. 

This morning I walked with my mom. We have been doing it a lot. It feels so good to start the day this way. Easy conversation. Encouraging eachother to get moving. To better ourselves. 

Today I have a day filled with another group of friends to have fun. Be together. They help me feel alive. They make my soul happy. 

So yeah I can stay home and be sad. Or miss someone who probably doesn’t even know I miss them or I can go on with my life. I think I will go on with my life. Move on with your life to. I want you to be happy. I will be happy today.  That’s today’s goal and everyday. 

Make it your goal too. 

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