Sunday, September 22, 2019

Don’t Confuse Your Pain or Their Pain

You meet a ton of people and if you’re intuitive you can sense something with them. A lot of times it’s their pain. You always wonder “who broke your heart?” But then someone said something to me that really had me thinking. 

Not all heart break is romantic and guess what it’s true. Some damages we have our not from a companion. Some are from your up bringing or losing someone close to you. Sometimes it’s a missed career opportunity or when life makes a turn in your path. 

We all have healing to do. We all have stuff in us that is hard to process and has affected us so much. Some things we don’t need to fix. Some our just in us. Some become part of us. Make us who we are. 

The journey is to help others and that will help us. When we connect with others we connect with ourselves. 

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