Sunday, September 8, 2019

Feel To Heal To Let Go

Everything teaches us something. My hearts been at peace. My body and soul. My ex and I have been civil. It’s a rollercoaster ride and I don’t even participate in any arguments and he’s been trying his best too which benefits our kids.  My kids are happy. My family is healthy and happy. My social life has been amazing. I don’t want to fight or be mad or be sad. I want to be at peace. I want to be happy. I want to create memories around good people. Your focus should be that too. To set your soul on fire. To laugh so much that your stomach hurts. To be around people who genuinely want to be around you and love you and make you smile and enjoy your company. People who want the best for you and you want the best for them. 

Everyday of my life I try to do something that makes me happy. Even if it’s just a walk. You have to learn to do the same. I am not perfect. I make a lot of mistakes. I am learning how to work through them to change to not react because I am not getting what I want. To process. To feel. To know that people will come
in and out of your life and you have to not hold on to them hoping they can be something different for you. I had to accept loving someone I couldn’t be with. Yeah it hurts but it’s ok to love them from afar and move on with your life. I never had to experience this before. Ever. I am learning everyday new things about life. You have to learn to go with it too. 

You have to go through a process of letting things go. I am. 

Here’s a great article to start. 

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