Saturday, September 28, 2019

Find Your Gift...Share It!

Maybe it’s to help others. Maybe it’s to spread love and happiness. Maybe it’s to educate people. We all have a gift in us. We all leave marks in people’s lives. 

I am trying to be her hero a friend said to me. I had mixed emotions about it. I care about him and I said at what extend do you sacrifice yourself and self happiness to help someone else. 

I learned this years ago. I tried hard to love someone who needed saving. I couldn’t save them. I wasn’t his hero. He had to be his own hero. 

I think we have to know where to draw a line. To what extend do you give yourself up for someone else. To what extend does the damage no longer cause pain. 

I love being there for people. I love saying let’s talk. Let’s look a situation head on and be real. Let’s have fun and enjoy life. It’s simple yet demons in us complicate things. 

At times we do live in a la la land. I have people I want more involvement  in my life and they just can’t give it to me. But they give me something else. They all have a gift. They make me feel a void I feel. One friend calms me. He makes me feel safe and calm and cared for. Sounds strange but it’s hard to not imagine having that. 

That’s what I want you to do. After reading this I want you to look within and see your gift. I want you to see gifts in others. Then praise them. Say thank you for being my safe place. Thank you for being a great friend or husband or spouse. Thank you for loving me. Thank yourself for your gift. I can look at people in my life and list their gifts and talents. Can you? Can you look within and list yours?

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