Friday, September 6, 2019

How Do You Want To Be Treated?

What you allow will continue. Read this again. 

You then wake up and say wtf am I thinking or doing. How you would never suggest your friend tolerate being in your position yet you are. It is mind blowing. 

If we stopped giving people power and we had our own power we would never ever allow what takes place on our life to take place. 

I had a situation of a friend. I let myself hold on to this person for too long. To the point when texts bounced back I would say how pathetic I was. How this person liked to come in and out and how I gave them complete permission to treat me as those chose. 

What?! I know what you’re thinking. Why? Because at one point this friend made my heart happy. Not with this type of behavior but with a past behavior. I held on to this idea that one day they would treat me how they have in the past. Wrong. I allowed their new behavior to still have access to me and well that’s not ok nor how life is. 

Never ever let someone stroll in and out as they please
 Never ever let someone act like what they do is acceptable. 

I heard a lot of excuses and no apologies. I heard a lot
more of my own talking and texting than theirs. It was time to say goodbye and let that path die down. 

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