Thursday, September 5, 2019

How Would You Live Your Life?

Let’s say there are no rules. Change your life. Let it be anyway you want it to be. How would you live it? Who would be in it? Who wouldn’t be in it? How would these changes make you feel? How are they different than the life you’re currently living?

I have yet to meet a man who says he’s living his best life. I have yet to meet a woman who is living hers. Well besides my parents of course. What’s happening here? When did we just go with the emotions of life? When did we say let’s just get by and call it a day?

You gotta live your life. You have to really live. I won’t lie. I would have changed the last five months of my life. I would have let some people go who should have been gone in April. I would have not wasted my emotions on things that didn’t deserve my energy. I wouldn’t have allowed myself to be dismissed like I was. Really not ok. Lessons learned. Life everyday is up to you. Who is in it. Who is out. What you do with it. What you do not. 

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