Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Is Choosing Them Meaning You Choose You?

It’s a weird process. I will not lie. Everyone thinks being single is always fun. It’s is fun but not always. It’s a process. A learning process. You learn a lot about yourself too. You learn what you want in life. What you will tolerate and what you won’t. You have to understand no one gets it unless they have been in your shoes. For any situation. Mine just so currently happens to be about dating. 

It’s a learning process. Every situation. I have no regrets because it all taught me something and I still have a ton to learn. I came across this and I love this guy. His feedback is spot on. So if you’re in a relationship with uncertainty or going through the process of dating then take the time to watch this. Honestly there’s so much to learn. Everyday we grow. Just love yourself and never settle 💗

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