Monday, September 9, 2019

Let’s Be Spontaneous

Lately if I had to pick one word to describe my life it would be....Spontaneous. And I must admit I am loving it.  

Now I am a planner. I plan a lot of stuff and like structure so for me to be spontaneous throws me off. My day my plans and I have been having a great time. 

My day is unpredictable. Most of ours are like that. Never know what the day would bring. What if you threw in some fun in your day? What if you did something out of your norm?  How magical would that be?

My girlfriends love it. Love my stories. Love my responses. They crack up lately. 

Spontaneous can be a “hey wanna go for a walk” “hey can you meet for lunch” “hey let’s get together tonight” “ hey can you meet tomorrow” 

I never used to love Weekdays like I do now. I never take life for granted. I love life. You should too. 

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