Monday, September 2, 2019

Let’s Take A Walk...Realities Of Life

Lately we have been walking. The weather is perfect for it. An hour walk and back makes a difference in your mood. It really does. We started to see leaves on the ground. But then noticed all the shapes and I began to laugh. Someone must really love us. All these heart leaves on the same walk. It made me happy. 

You have to believe theres more out there in the world. The simple pleasures make life beautiful. 

Now the world isn’t perfect. It can be scary. I won’t lie. I have had some situations that I didn’t think the world was as great as seeing leaves in the shape of hearts. You have to know your audience and situation.  I went grocery shopping today after I brought my girls to their dad’s house. Earlier in the day. I have to paint you this picture. Now picture this..

I am pushing a cart between my car and another car to put it up on the side walk. I have a cookie in my mouth. My purse on my shoulder and car keys in my hands. The cookie is hanging out of my mouth. I turn around and there’s a man. It’s now me and him between two cars. He asks me for money. I am beyond pissed. He catches me off guard. I have no hands to defend myself. I take the cookie about of my mouth and tell him I have no cash. He comes forward and has an umbrella wrapped in his hand. We are still between two cars. I say you need to back up. He’s like I am just asking for $2 I said I already told you I have no cash and you have some nerve approaching me for money. I am now furious. He actually apologies and I say it’s not cool man and he walks away. 

I was beyond pissed. But then I processed it’s all, damn this situation could have went super bad. My rush was anger and I showed it to him and I knew by his size I could take him out but still. It was violating to me. I am at a freaking grocery store. I had a cookie hanging out of my mouth. No hands. I laugh now but life isn’t just roses and hearts and happiness. It’s freaking scary and you have to be tough. But know your role. Know when to be tough and when to be soft. 
Appreciate the little things like heart shaped leaves. But also don’t be oblivious. 

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