Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Live Simple...

You’re very simple my mom said to me the other day. I notice it doesn’t take a lot to make you happy or content. You’re easily happy. 

She’s right. I actually always have been. I never needed anything but structure and be able to treat myself out once a week. Even if it was just for pizza. I don’t like chaos. I don’t like unstable situations. I can be happy on a simple life. 

I had a situation in my life change. I unpacked only what I needed. I didn’t want to crowd my space. I needed energy to flow. To be able to meditate. To not over crowd my brain. 

I may not be like you. That’s ok. I will tell you the more simple a situation the happier I am. Yes I like to go out and experience new restaurants and festivals and adventures but I never was hard to make happy. A hug makes me happy. A single rose. But when chaos or I have to defend myself or prove myself I become defensive. I don’t like that. 

I like quiet and calm. I like good vibe people. I like good energy situations. I don’t like needy people. I don’t like people who constantly need reassurance. 

When I wasn’t happy I was always out. I needed a distraction from my reality. I did it even married. I wasn’t happy. I couldn’t believe when I moved how much stuff I had and held on to. I was just too tired and stressed to care. I was mad at myself for allowing my life to get that way. I mean I held on to paperwork that should have been tossed years prior. I just didn’t care. I wasn’t happy so needed a distraction and only did what I needed to do to survive. Sad. But we all do. 

I want you to go home today and clear out an area of space of your house. Now walk in and out of the room. Tell me what you feel. Tell me how it calms you. Tell me how your brain and body reacts. 

Also if you find yourself always running from staying home well your home is the problem. You’re not happy. You’re not calm or content. Your distractions are your “out” from dealing with your realities. 

Live simple. 

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