Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Maybe It’s Simple Maybe Not

A friend said I was an open book. I said yeah try me. He went on to say how I just want a simple, good, gentle relationship. 


I went for a walk and told my mom and she said wow he is spot on. Why can’t I have that with my friend because well life isn’t meant to be that way. Life is about experiencing everything first before finding something that simple. Maybe I am not ready for it. Maybe I had it already with someone I lost it even though it was short lived. 

All I know is we should be a priority. Someone should make us a priority and we make them ours too. We want to come first or close to first as possible. Kids always take center stage I agree. But we want someone’s heart to hurt and yearn for ours. 

Every time I hear this song it hits something in me like I am sure it hits you all too. 

Aim to live a simple, happy, gentle, good life. Aim to be with someone who loves you as much as you love them. 

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