Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Men Want To Feel Wanted Too

If I have taught you anything it is want to feel wanted and desired too!

Let me explain...I was speaking to a friend. She would kill me if she knew I was writing this. We spoke about dating and men and yada yada. After our discussion I pushed her to reach out to someone. She did. Within seconds she’s like I got a date. I said you just made his night. She’s like I did? I said yes. Men want to feel needed and desired just as much as women do! He’s smiling right now. She was like wow I didn’t think of it like that. 

Read this again: Men want to feel needed and desired just as much as women do!

I have someone close to me who always reminds me that men have feelings too and they DO!

Ladies if you’re excited for a date. He’s excited too. If he made your night. You made his. 

Men want to feel wanted and desired and I can’t push this enough. I get it. You’re tired. Raising kids. Working long hours. Have no time for yourself. Ok so.... But men don’t need a lot to feel good. Smack their ass. Tell them they look hot. Men will be eating out of your hand. 

When a man compliments us and not just asking for sex but says that shirt looks great on us or we are beautiful or our hair looks pretty or our soul is beautiful. What do we do? We freaking melt! We become mush. We blush. We flirt. 

Well men do too!

Come on gals. Do I have to teach you everything. Haha just kidding but really just take some
time to make him feel good, wanted, needed, like a man. Bet he would give you the world if you did. 

Read this:

Why Men Need to Feel Wanted by Their Partners

“All humans, not just women, want to be admired and desired...and shown it.”

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