Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Never Doubt Your Ability To Make A Difference

I had a meeting tonight. When I walked in the building someone greeted me. Wow I thought, they are using our suggestion. I enter the meeting and we gave updates. I brought back some positive feedback I have received from recent experiences people had. I was beaming. 

Another committee member turned to me and said wow you have such great positive feedback tonight. I replied thank you. I am so excited we are making a difference and changes are being implemented. By the way did you see the greeter. I almost wanted to take a picture with him. 

I can’t emphasize enough how you can make a difference. How you giving your feedback in a professional manner can create amazing results. I was glowing with excitement.  How amazing would this world be if we got together to make a positive change. To make everyone’s experience a little brighter and happier! I think it would be a beautiful thing. 

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