Sunday, September 29, 2019

Oh Sunday’s...How I Heart You!

I don’t have them every weekend so weekend Mornings I do I try to make them special for them. I woke up my oldest and she rolled over and sniffed. I swear like a hound dog and I couldn’t stop laughing. Is that maple bacon mom? Yep. 

She comes into the kitchen and loved seeing the cinnamon buns in a heart shaped pan. I used this pan a lot at our old house. The girls always loved it. I could serve anything in it and they would be happy. 

So I whip up breakfast and start to experiment. This time I added Nutella to the pancakes. I must say was delicious. You didn’t need syrup or whip cream with it. They were delicious alone. 

My youngest woke up with a sore throat so I made pasta soup. My oldest sees the pot and asks “did you really make pasta soup at 6:30 this morning?” yep!

I have done so much for these kids while younger that as they grow you tend to forget to refresh their memory with doing the same type of things. The same traditions. At times I ask if they remember all the activities and crafts and baking we did. Sometimes they forget. I am determined to bring it back into their life to recreate our memories. Just because some situations in our life are different doesn’t mean you have to stop doing the things that make your heart happy. 

I hope your Sunday morning is as rewarding as mine was. I hope you wake up and do the things that make your heart happy. ❤️

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