Monday, September 30, 2019

Pain Teaches You A lot

We all have dealt with pain in our life. Some are worse than others. Some we have actually caused on people. Whether intentionally or not intentionally it has happened. 

Pain isn’t just from a companion. It can be from a friend, a family member, a work colleague, a situation, a worldwide event or disaster. Pain comes from different avenues. 

It’s is our job to take this pain and learn from it. When we suppress it it’s like putting clean laundry on top of dirty laundry. If you never get to the bottom or root of the problem the dirty messes up the clean clothes. See where I am going with this. It all blends. We can’t enjoy the good or clean clothes because those emotions are blended with the bad or dirty clothes. 

Clean out your basket. Clean out your core and start over. Start filling yourself with positive experience. Pain isn’t avoidable.  But healing is your responsibility. Pain will always happen. But deal with it at the moment and move on. 

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