Thursday, September 5, 2019

Set It Free...

A couple years ago I wanted to restart my life. The only way to do it was to set free any pain I had towards someone. In the article I did here   Even though the journey has been a rollercoaster ride it taught me a lot. 

It taught me I am stronger than I think I am. I should never settle for anything that makes me doubt anything about me or my life. I have learned to set it free. Then and now. 

I now set free anything this year that caused me any discomfort or pain or doubt. Because life isn’t about that. Life is about being around good, happy, healthy situations and pure people. 

I have let go in the past and am strong enough to let things go again. 

So as I process everything this year taught me I thank those who have been part of my journey but do know my time with them has ended and it’s ok. That games are not allowed at our age. That ignoring or making someone feel less important isn’t ok. That your self worth is only yours to set. No one else’s. 

We all must declutter our life and mind of things that don’t serve us well. That don’t make us feel good or how we should. Set them free. 

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