Friday, September 6, 2019

She’s Changing and I Like It

I don’t normally make fresh breakfast like fresh pancakes or homemade waffles during the school week. It’s  a lot of work and we have to be out to door by 7:45.  But my oldest has been pretty amazing lately. Something in her changed. She’s calm. Been really affectionate towards me and happy. Over the summer she was a bit of a monster at times. 

The other morning she asked if I had pancakes so last night I set my alarm early to make her fresh panacakes this morning. I would skip my workout. At 6:00 she climbs into my bed. She hugs me and says she missed me. I asked her if she was hungry she said yes. Pancakes she asks. Yep I responded. Bacon too? Of course I say. She was shocked. 

Chocolate chip and bacon pancakes are her thing. Look mom a heart she says. 

Middle school is a rough year. I notice a bit of mommy bear coming out of me. When bell rings she puts on her cell and calls me. I tell her where I will pick her up. It’s like a disconnect for me. I normally know routine classes teachers. This time it’s so independent like I drop her off and say fend for yourself. So out of my comfort zone. Of course I signed up to be involved with school so I can be comfortable with her routine and teachers etc...but honestly she’s been so amazing and mature. I think it’s ok for me to step back. 

I know this is just the beginning and I had to make some changes in my personal life so I can focus 100% on my girls until their routine is comfortable for them and honestly me. They are my world. I can sacrifice my world to make sure their world is how it needs to be. 


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