Sunday, September 1, 2019

Slice of Saugatuck September 7th 2019

This event Readers is by far the coolest event. It’s $15 a ticket or two people for $25. You walk downtown Saugatuck and there are vendors and restaurants handing out food to taste. You don’t pay for anything extra but liquor inside restaurants. You get a card. It lists all the participating restaurants. They have stations setup outside and you get a sample of food to
Try. You check off each location as you go. It is so much fun!!

“Saturday September 7, 2019 from 2 pm – 5 pm with over four dozen of Saugatuck's finest restaurants, shops and galleries opening their doors and inviting the community to come and sample their offerings. Walk the streets of Saugatuck Center and taste your way from restaurant to restaurant, to liquor store, to retail merchant and back.”

Learn more here:

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