Saturday, September 7, 2019

We All Need That Person

It’s something our parents always said to us and still do. I am now saying it to my own kids. Whether it’s when I drop them off at school or a play date or an activity or their Dad’s house for the night. 

It’s these magic 6 words that I heard over and over again growing up and am now saying it to my own girls. So early on in their life. 

But what if you’re not home. My daughter once asked. I don’t care I will leave where I am at. But what if you’re away for work or for the night. I don’t care I will call someone to come get you for me. 

I think as parents we always need to assure our kids that they don’t need to face anything in life alone...ever. 

I even say this to family and friends. Call me if you need me. And I am telling the truth. 

When my girlfriend Dad died I will never forget her call to me. My response was..Are you ok? What can I do to help you? Do you need me to come to Florida? 

When my girlfriend told me about her breast cancer I said call me if you need help with the baby or after surgery. Thanks for always being a good friend J. She always had my back too when I had my cancer.  

Call me if you need me are very powerful words. It’s assuring someone you don’t need to face anything alone. It’s comforting. 

All we need to do is be the go to for someone. To let them know you’re never alone. Never have to face anything alone. 

I appreciate my go to people too. It has helped my journey in life. It’s helped make me strong. It’s helped me not have it face anything alone. It’s help build me up. It’s helped me feel confident in any decisions I made in life. 

How amazing can six simple words be to someone. 

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