Wednesday, September 4, 2019

We All Should “Chie” I Mean Try Our Best

I have to do a focus group and one of the assignments was to decorate a box based on your life and personality. I asked my girls to draw a picture I can attach to the box because being a mom of three I thought was appropriate. Then my middle one hands me this and says Mom you try your best but spelled it so freaking cute. 

I do. I do “chie” my best. I know you all do too. It’s not easy but try to savor the moments. I know schoool drop off and pick up and homework and snack and dinner and endless paperwork then showers and bedtimes x3 can be overwhelming especially after working but then moments like this...moments of saying I “chie” made me realize they know I am trying my best and well that’s all I can do. 

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