Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Wednesday Vibe: It’s All In Your Head

It was one of those mornings..

I woke up sad. Does that ever happen to you? When you heart hurts a little and you are like not today. I don’t want to feel this way today. Then somehow your mood shifts. You realize you have the power to control your thoughts. How you react. 

You shift gears. You love yourself so much that you won’t allow any pain to affect you because it won’t make a difference if you do. People will still go on with their life. You still have responsibilities to face. You have to know that you can’t force things. You only have control over you. 

So I sent a girlfriend a really cool event for us to go to Friday. I asked my mom to go for a walk. I shifted gears. Because at the end of the day who is going to take care of you? You are. So love yourself. Be happy. So what your heart hurts. Let it be. Still enjoy the things in life you can control. Which is your mind and emotions and how you react. 

Look in the mirror and say...Appreciate You. Xo

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